
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Felder and The Trio! And will Fidler refuse to be Sworn in

A new era unity dawns on Southern Brooklyn's Orthodox Politics, if what was said and exhibited today at the Felder endorsement press conference continues. Here are some interesting points I gathered from listening into the presser: 

Dov descried him-self, Councilman David Greenfield, and State Senate candidate Simcha Felder, as "the trio," that will work as a team for the community in city council, assembly and state senate. The trio exchanged pleasantries.

Press members inquired on the rumors that Simcha will run in an open elections on both party lines. A city bus came to Dov's assistance with avoiding follow-up questions on that, by responding that "I can't hear you." Simcha said that the press conference is not his, so it's not the place for him to address theses questions.

Hikind and Greenfield said that their endorsement for Simcha is for him as individual, and stands even if he switches party lines.

Greenfield described him-self and Simcha as moderate democrats, while Hikind interjected that he's a "conservative democrats." As for the voters in the district, Hikind said that they are "thinking democrats," looking on each candidate individually. This is how it should be, because "otherwise we don't need elections. We just have to count the number of registered democrats and registered republicans in the district and appoint the party candidate with the most voters..." Hikind praised both Senate leaders, Dean Skelos and John Sampson, who are both helpful for the needs of the community, and added "other democrats should better come around."

Simcha, was funny, as usual. David Greenfield told a story of how Simcha mentored him in helping constituents,  when the former replaced the latter as Hikind's chief of staff, and told Simcha, "you know the story." Simcha replied, "I don't know it, but I like it."

BTW, the special election may even take a more unexpected and bizarre twist. Rumors are swirling that if Lew Fidler wins the seat, he might refused to be sworn in because of its lower pay than his city council salary, and the fact that the district will dissolve by the end of the year while he have another full year to serve out his term in city council (when he started the campaign he assumed that he will continue running in the new district. His weak showing and the overweight of Jewish voters in the district that will not include his house, made him rethink it and give up on his plans). Fidler didn't totally ruled out a refusal of being sworn in, if the court and recount drags on.

That means that after spending $1 million in taxpayers' money, and after the protracted battle, it may only be to know he will not serve.

Also, here you can find more from the event, dispatched by Colin Campbell, and he's promising a video later.

And the Daily News' Reuven Blau have more of the light moments, like Hikind's joking about car-pooling with Simcha and starting a Shiur together.

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1 comment:

  1. Moshiach is on the way. Would anyone ever imagine these 3 enemies ever stand together? most be something behind this press conference. Time will tell how united everyone is behind Felder.
